Individual, play and family therapy is offered for children and adolescents. At the present time, there are no treatment group opportunities offered, but has been in the past; such as, social skills group for children. Inquire for additional information. Clinicians within the Family Dynamics practice have many years experience working with children and teens in all modalities, including children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Attachment Disorders, Mental Retardation, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Autism or Asperger's Disorder.
These are behaviors frequently witnessed with children but daily, even weekly, re-occurrence of these behaviors might indicate a significant problem. Raising children today can be complicated, scary and very difficult. If you believe you deserve a change, LET US HELP!!
Failing grades, Truancy, Behavioral Problems, Fighting, Sleeping in class.
Also includes ADD, ADHD Assessments and Diagnosis Clarification, Behavior Modification Approaches to Treatment.
Back-talk, Defiance, Failure to abide by rules, Sneaking out or running away and Breaking curfew.
Obsessive-Compulsive tendencies, Excessive worry, Panic.
Autism, Asperger's, etc.
Isolation, Mood fluctuations, Coping with abuse and neglect, Poor self-esteem, Poor self-concept, Lack of motivation, Loss of interests, Crying spells, Anger.
Tantrums, Aggressiveness, Destruction, Defiance and Attention Seeking.
Anger control issues, Aggressiveness toward animals, Fire setting, Sexual Promiscuity, Gang Involvement, Alcohol and drug abuse.
Aloneness, Loss of loved ones, Peer pressure, Death, Darkness, Nightmares or night terrors, etc.
Career Choice, Sexual Orientation, Goals in life.
Peer relationships, Romantic relationship choices and decisions, Dating, Social skills.